
一根弦上能演奏出和弦、演绎出美丽的旋律? ——59599aa美高梅教授教你在快乐中研学音乐和物理,真正体会寓教于“乐”的含义!



近期在老师的指导下,本科员工将完整的工作成果撰写成了SCI文章,并在一个全球颇具影响力的学术学会(美国物理教师协会,AAPT)的会志上——美国物理杂志(AJPAmerican Journal of Physics)上成功发表。题目是:“Playing melodies on a single string by exciting harmonics using the Lorentz force。作者排序:Yukai Wei(魏于凯,员工), Haozhu(朱昊,员工), Haotian Jiang(姜昊天,员工),Quanxin Luo(骆全鑫,员工), Shan Lin(林珊,教师), Junqing Li*(李俊庆,通信作者), Yu Zhang(张宇,教师),Bibo Zhao(赵碧波,教师)。


AJP杂志主编Beth Parks教授给了封面附言:"A single-string guitar can play a musical scale. An oscillating current is applied to the string and a nearby permanent magnet creates an oscillating force. Choosing the correct harmonics of the string's fundamental frequency enables melodies to be played."(一个独弦吉他可以弹奏音阶,在弦上施加振荡电流,附近的永磁体产生振荡力。正确选择弦基频的谐波使演奏出旋律成为可能。)

Scilight杂志著名专栏撰稿人Mara Johnson-Groh博士在题目为“Single-stringed, no-touch instrument demonstrates physics for students(独弦的非接触式的乐器为员工展示物理)”的推介报导中写到:

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, students around the world struggled with their studies. To help combat this disinterest, a team of physics professors in China developed a fun learning project that combined music and physics.(在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,世界各地的员工都在坚持学习,为了对抗人们看到的厌学情绪,中国的一个物理学教授团队开发了一个有趣的学习项目,它将音乐和物理结合起来。)

The outcome of their work, presented by Wei et al., is a demonstration of a single-stringed musical instrument that can be played without touching it. Typically, when a single string is strung, it plays a single note. But by leveraging the Lorentz force, the string can be made to play entire melodies.他们的工作成果,如在魏等人呈现的,展示了一种无需接触就可以演奏的独弦乐器。通常,当一根弦被拨动时,它只演奏一个音。但是借助洛伦兹力,这根弦是可以演奏出完整旋律的。

“Music is one of the best examples of merging science and art through physics,” said author Junqing Li. “We wanted to introduce some physical phenomena related to musical acoustics into students’ learning projects because we know that music can affect people’s spiritual well-being and bring happiness.”(“音乐是通过物理将科学与艺术融合的最好范例之一”,作者李俊庆说,“我们希望在员工的学习项目中引入一些与音乐声学相关的物理现象,因为我们知道音乐可以影响人们的精神健康并带来快乐。”)

The instrument consists of a taut guitar string placed near a permanent magnet. When an AC current is fed to the string near the magnet, the string resonates at the same frequency as the current due to the Lorentz force. By adjusting the AC current frequency, a full octave scale can be played using the eighth to sixteenth harmonics of the string’s fundamental frequency.(这种乐器是把一根绷紧的吉他弦放在永磁体附近制成的。当交变电流被通到磁铁附近的弦上时,由于洛伦兹力,弦以与电流相同的频率共振。使用弦的基频的第八至第十六次谐波,一个完整的八度音阶可以通过调整交变电流的频率演奏出来。)

"Very innovatively, we’ve built scales using integer ratios among musical components,” Li said. “By compiling the current with unique timbre, we played melodic music, such as Ode to Joy, and successfully achieved chord playing on a single string that usually needs several strings.”“我们是用乐音成分间的整数比非常独创性地将音阶建立了起来” 李说道,“通过编译具有独特音色的电流,我们演奏出了旋律优美乐曲,如《欢乐颂》,并成功地在一根弦上实现了和弦演奏,而和弦通常需要若干根弦的。)

The authors hope their work can be used as a demonstration or laboratory activity for physics students around the world.”作者希望他们的工作可以为世界各地的物理员工做示范或用于组织实验活动。


